The go-to place for tech-spiration; Did you know 84% of the VMO Work audience shop for products online whilst in the office?

Technology has immensely altered and revolutionised our day-to-day lives and the world itself, us to connect, achieve higher levels of efficiency, and complete tasks that would have otherwise never have been possible. With everything at the tip of our fingers as a result of technology, it can’t help but always be the top of mind.

Recent studies have shown that Kiwis have a love for technology, with the majority of them having a highly positive outlook toward tech products and services. Research by Dentsu (2020) revealed that over half (57%) of Kiwis expect technology products and services to enhance their health and well-being*. 

Over the past years, consumer buying habits and patterns have changed significantly, with 53% of New Zealanders more likely to research a product they’re interested in online before purchasing in a store**, and 88% of Kiwis aged between 16 and 64 had recently searched for a product or service of interest online as of January 2021***, which is why proximity to the keyboard should be an important factor when brands are looking to connect with audiences. 

VMO Work puts technology brands front and centre of white-collar working professionals within this key proximity as they make their way to their office workspaces.  

A survey conducted through PureProfile, showed that 84% of the VMO Work audience research or shop for technology products online whilst they are at work****, displaying these audiences have a high level of interest in technology.  

The VMO Work audience is also 2.2x more likely to recall advertising for technology products on their last visit to an office building^, attesting to the power of the VMO office tower network as an ideal environment and opportunity for technology brands to connect with this highly receptive audience.  


*Dentsu. (2020). Techlash or Techlove? Connecting beyond the Crisis.

**Ziemianska, A. (2019). New Zealand Consumer Behaviour & Online Shopping Trends, Logic1.

***Statistica. (2022).

****VMO Work Survey (2021).

^PureProfile (2021).


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