Meet The Team: VMO Welcomes New Starters and Promotes Internal Stars

This month, we are lucky enough to be are celebrating the promotions of some of our incredible staff, and welcoming some fresh new faces to the VMO team.

Since starting with VMO at the beginning of 2021 as Sales Coordinator, Charlotte Hill has been promoted to Account Executive, and will be moving across from our Perth office to the Sydney Cinema team.

My goal for the rest of 2022 is…
To move to Sydney and smash this new role, and also to reset my life in a new state.

My favourite artist is…
Harry Styles!

In our Sydney office, Josh Ferraz has been promoted to Account Executive. Josh started at VMO in 2021 as Sales Coordinator.

I find inspiration by…
Spending time with different people, understanding their values and beliefs and how this paves a way into their day-to-day habits.

My favourite thing to do on the weekend is…
Turning the phone off and going for a surf.  

Over in Melbourne, Chloe McLean has begun her new role at VMO as Sales Coordinator.

My goal for this year….
To step out of my comfort zone - which, halfway into the year, I think I can well and truly tick off after moving out and getting a job in a completely new industry than I've previously worked in.

My favourite thing to do on the weekend is….
Pilates, and dinner and drinks with friends.

Also in Melbourne, Teresa Vu has been welcomed to the team as Sales Coordinator.

My favourite way to spend my day off is…
Going on drives or road trips.

My favourite artist is…
It's a very mixed bag. My favourite artist changes and depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes it's John Mayer, sometimes it's Kanye West

Congratulations to these wonderful members of the VMO team.


VMO appoints Sabarish Chirakkal as Programmatic Director.


Val Morgan & VMO Sponsor The Oasis Ball