Meet The Team: Dean Waller, Group Sales Manager.

Introducing Dean Waller, our Group Sales Manager based in Melbourne.

With over 14 years in the media industry, Dean's energy and expertise are unmatched. It’s what makes him an integral part of our team.

But Dean's influence doesn't stop there. His passion for AFL drives him to fuel victories for his local club, the Vermont Football Club, while his unwavering support for the Hawthorn Hawks exemplifies his dedication both on and off the field.

Curious to find out more about Dean? Read on.

Alright, spill the tea: How did you find yourself in the advertising industry, and what’s been the best part of your journey at VMO so far?

I got my foot in the door at ACP Magazines representing the Men’s Lifestyle and Motoring suite, which set the scene for how challenging, fun and rewarding our industry is. I moved to Channel Nine before seeing the light of outdoor and haven’t looked back.

The best part about VMO is how the business is always evolving and refuses to stand still, which makes it a really enjoyable place to be.

If your career were a movie, which three movie titles would best capture its essence, and why did you choose them?

  1. The Avengers – Media’s mightiest heroes assemble at VMO to take on the powerful threats of the media universe.

  2. 8 Mile – Because I had to fight my way to the top.

  3. The Castle – Because it's “the Vibe”.

If your professional growth had a fragrance, would it be a bold, invigorating scent like fresh coffee beans, a calming aroma like lavender, or something completely unexpected? Justify your choice.

 A fragrance that starts with fresh notes of ambition, matures into complex tones of experience and settles into the enduring base of wisdom.

Summarise your typical workday using three emojis, and give us the inside scoop on what each one represents.

  1. Puppy – Early morning walk for Luna my Frenchy, in hopes she won't chew the couch today.

  2. Briefcase – Engaging with clients, uncovering opportunities and providing solutions is in our daily DNA.

  3. Magician's hat – Juggling multiple responsibilities at once like a skilled magician.

Your ideal work lunch: cooking up a five-course meal in the office microwave or embarking on a quest to find the best sanga in town?

When I’m not at a client lunch… the local sandwich bar near the office does a mean Schnitzel sandwich.

Midday recharge: Would you prefer a power nap in a cozy office hammock or a brisk stroll to explore the best local lunch spots? How does your ideal lunch break reflect your approach to work-life balance? 

 Nothing beats a midday gym session at Fitness First – it provides a real boost of energy for the afternoon.


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