Convenience remains king; the 2021 AACS SOI Report reveals outstanding P&C channel results.

Freshly released, the 2021 AACS State of the Industry Report revealed that despite challenges due to the pandemic faced during the past year, the convenience channel managed to deliver 19 per cent growth across total convenience store and fuel sales in 2021, delivering $42.4 billion.

This growth proves the importance of the P&C as a resilient retail channel and follows the audience trends that VMO has measured throughout the pandemic period.

The outstanding results were published in the annual SOI report and were revealed at the ACS Connect 22 conference.

Further to the top-line findings of 19% growth across total convenience store and fuel sales in 2021, the report also found:

  • Shop sales grew 2% to $9.4billion.

  • Fuel volumes jumped by 4%.

  • Key growth categories:

    • Food Service (food for now, food for later) 12.3%

    • Packaged beverages 11.3%

    • Confectionery 6%.

 Capturing consumers at the bowser and on the path-to-purchase, VMO delivers brands a highly engaging, relevant and brand-safe environment for maximum audience attention.

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Reporting first published on Convenience & Impulse Retailing;


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